Multiple eyes stared at me distorted in different ways. Peering at me through swatches of blood and lines stretched across their middles. Carving kisses passed across exposed skin. I laughed while tears mixed with blood, forming rivers in the palms of my hands as I tried desperately to grab at each piece of myself; each new image of me. The ugly red, sharp and cutting mess in front of me is not who I am. I swear. There is another me, remember? The one who smiled before, that's me...I swear...
draws my words from me
pulling both sides
you are my balance
you held my head
tilting my eyes to the heavens
wiping your tongue against mine
Spitting your words into me
till they flow with our essence.
stand before me
my sex, warm, wet
caressing my lips till they cry
refusing to let me die
though many cast aside
my selves
like dry seeds ocean tossed
you...woman gounds me
I know now
will be with me
are mine
The word catches at my lips
afriad to fall
not wanting to dirty you
my goddess of beauty
and natural love
to know as
I know now
you are
my woman
my muse.
© 11-05-09
Krys-Darcelle Dumas
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