I have toyed with the idea of making this blog more of a journal entry. I thought it would force me to write in it everyday and perhaps on later re-reading give me somewhat useable material for my short stories.
There used to be a time when I was an avid journal keeper. Every conversation, or most, every event in my little irrelevant teenage life was recorded. Every afternoon I would sit quietly in my room and write.
I would have the journals made of simple, unlined printing paper and bound in a hard cover laminated with a work of "art" of my own creation on the cover. The unlined paper, then, used to fill me with this overwhelming sense of freedom. I could write any way I wanted. I remember writing once with words all over the page, any which direction, until they started to over lap. I called it my "Free Flow Thought". Today there are names in those words that I simply don't recognize any more.
Now with the speed at which information is spread on the internet the question of how personal you make anything on here is a very important one. Obviously I can't exactly say all that I may want to. No angry venting in obscene language talking about how much I hate everything(yes I was a very angst filled teenager). I'll probably have to temper it a lot.
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea.
We'll see what happens nah!
Hi Candace, thanks for sharing your comment on my blog today. I enjoyed reading your blog posts as well, and enjoyed the poems you shared. Congratulations! You are my winner of Ishion Hutchinson's Far District. Please email me at lucene35 at yahoo dot com for arrangements to get the book to you.